Saturday, December 27, 2008

tAkeN duRing our pArty with jHemilY, cAsSiopiea and sTanlEy , wer'e so hAgard after hEaling tHem all
.. tHis our agenDa with bAnshee conFiRming oUr qUests then gain morE experienCe
..oh i lOve this pLacE thE oVer pAss locAtion of tRading holE , dO yOu know tHat?
.. this pLacE again, LeOnAiR cAmpuS thE scHool of dEadly peOples like ouR inTrodUction thE sHadoW cRow, MuMmY, Tomb rAidEr, flaMe, sMall pox and our very oWn the poison iVy..
hEre agAin we appReciated bAnshee that's why wE took a PicTuRe wiTh her.. shE's smiling u knoW!
=-Jhemily=- weariNg hEr sHadoW staff+5 , locAtion bRuTe punk pArk , shE gained fIne bUrr!!

"Has a sTory, Has aN eNd"

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