Thursday, September 3, 2009


Its either, you didn't know it, yes you know it or until now you're keep blinding about what it is..
Why were always threaten by Global Warming? I think it is because its all our fault! not the, animals, not the trees and not even a group of bacteria. Did you know that the Global Warming is the primary suspect of killing hundreds or thousands of species that we have before, And Extinction is one of the evidence of this crime , but even as now were still witnessing species going extinct. Everyone is affected and no one can escape in this kind of disaster, try to look at scientists studies and you can find out that trend of animals populations moving north to the cooler climates, you can also saw abnormal adaption such as plants blooming earlier than usual and loosing its ability to produce its own scent, and what matter most worries are the cold;weather species. Example of it is the Emperor Penguin had dropped from 300 breeding pairs to just 9 in western Antarctic Peninsula and even the Polar Bears are dropping its number and its weight. So cant you realize that how sad to imagine this species will become extinct and will be only added to our history sooner or later! So what are you waiting for , It is not too late ,Lets Move To Save Our Only Home!


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